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Blue Mountains Unions Council Inc

Politics in the Pub - Can Free Trade Agreements be Fair Trade Agreements?

Sat, 3 Aug 2019
15:00 - 17:00

Secrecy is the enemy of fairness.

Australia's environmental, labour, and health and safety laws are threatened by a free trade agreement, the RCEP, currently being negotiated between Australia, New Zealand, China, India, South Korea and the ten member countries of ASEAN - about half of the world's population. How can we ensure trade is globally fair, safe and environmentally friendly?



Dr Pat Ranald

Convenor Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network (AFTINET) & Research Fellow, University of Sydney.

Dr Ranald will speak about the RCEP, a massive traded deal currently being negotiated in secret. Her focus will be Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions which allow companies to sue governments when changes to environmental, labour, health, safety and other laws reduce profit. The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme is potentially at risk.


Anna Spoore 

Vice Chair Fair Trade Association Australia and New Zealand. Director of Uplift Fair Trade in Katoomba St, Katoomba.

What is fair? How does "fair trade" differ from other trade models? Anna Spoore will define Fair Trade and its principles according to the Fair Trade Charter which was established last year.

EDIT: Anna Spoore is unable to attend as her expected baby is trying to come earlier than expected and Anna has been advised to rest. 

Alison Rahill

Executive Officer, Anti-Slavery Taskforce, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney.

How do we know if the products we buy have been ethically produced? Alison Rahill will speak about Fair Trade supply lines and the work of the Anti Slavery taskforce which has developed the "Shop for Good", ethical purchasing guide.


Tickets to this event are free but, if you wish,
you can support the work of Blue Mountains Unions & Community by making an online donation.


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Politics in the Pub - Can Free Trade Agreements be Fair Trade Agreements? You don't need to book a ticket to be admitted to the event and seating is on a "first come, first serve" basis but booking a free ticket helps us with our planning. $0.00 Sale Ended
The Katoomba Family Hotel
15 Parke St, Katoomba NSW 2000, Australia

52-52A Great Western Hwy, Mount Victoria, New South Wales, 2786, Australia

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